
As a global health care leader for more than 60 years, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 aims to set the standard for high-quality health care. Our mission is to empower health care providers outside the U.S. to meet that same standard, elevating care for patients everywhere.

UCLA offers an array of medical education and clinical training to the global community, tailored to meet your needs. We help prepare physicians, nurses and administrators to lead complex health organizations and command distinguished careers in an ever-changing world.

医学教育 and Clinical 培训 at UCLA: Why Choose Us?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s education 项目 are designed for practicing clinicians and administrators who work in various settings, including clinical practice, 教学, research and public service. Highlights of our program include:

  • UCLA’s world-class instructors: All program curricula are taught by prominent leaders under the UCLA umbrella. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校教授, 健康的领导, subject matter experts and other renowned specialists share the unique methods they use to manage our organization every day.
  • Highly customizable 项目: All of our 项目 are customizable and can be tailored to match the needs of individuals or organizations. Our international services team can help you determine the right mix of trainings based on your goals or challenges.
  • Range of learning formats: We offer education 项目 in multiple learning formats to appeal to multiple learning styles. These include in-country 项目, classroom-based trainings and distance learning. We accommodate for the different ways people learn, making our courses accessible to all.
  • Culture of excellence: Our education 项目 share many of 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s best practices and areas of expertise. 我们的教师, nurses and staff have worked to create an environment where medical and administrative professionals are set up to succeed. We prepare you for a future in which scientific knowledge, 社会价值观, and human needs are ever-changing.

Our 医学教育 and Clinical 培训 Programs

Observe and learn from UCLA’s top clinicians and administrators, in the format and style that works best for you. Our education 项目 include:

  • Observership 项目 for nurses and physicians let you immerse yourself in one of UCLA’s clinical 项目 by shadowing members of our clinical team.
  • 模拟训练 offers a hands-on learning experience where you can test the latest surgical techniques or medical technologies at our high-tech simulation center.
  • Executive management training provides healthcare executives the chance to learn best practices for hospital management, leadership and strategy.
  • 国内 项目 bring our subject matter experts to you to provide training in your institution; the content will be tailored to your specific needs.
  • Continuing medical education (CME) and continuing nursing education (CNE), such as online courses, cover a range of subjects for different types of medical professionals of all levels of experience.

Learn more about the education and training opportunities that apply to you:


For all education and training inquiries, please contact (电子邮件保护) or call +1 (310) 794-9975.


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